Friday, February 19, 2010

Liquor Law

An issue that someone raised to me recently was about the proposed change to the liquor laws which would allow someone in Maryland to order wine from out of state and have it shipped to them. I figured that there had to be more to the controversy than that. There must be some complex reason for the current law. I told the constituent that I would look into it.

I did. There is no complex reason or deeper matter. People should be allowed to order wine through the mail.

It's a matter that is supported by the majority of the people. The Baltimore Sun, Capital and Gazette have all supported it. It's a step toward a more free market. It's a matter that only concerns consenting adults. One who is selling the wine and the other who is buying the wine. Where is the government's interest? There is none.

So let it be known throughout the land, Jeremiah Chiappelli supports repealing the current law and allowing the good folk of Maryland to order wine through the mail.

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