Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Opponent

The Maryland Gazette published a piece about my opponent Delegate Dwyer on March 27th. I think the headline, which is a quote from my opponent, summarizes things nicely:

"I didn't come down here to pass bills."

Then what did you go down there for? His answer, "I came down here to do the people's work."

Which people exactly? All the people I know would like their representatives to do something. You don't pay plumbers to have positions about the leaky pipes, you pay them to fix the leak. You don't pay your mechanic to make angry speeches to your engine, you pay them to fix the problem. You don't pay your doctor to send a message to your liver, you pay them to heal the wounds. Why would you want to pay your representative to do nothing?

The paper was nice enough to interview me for the article. They did spell my name wrong (It's Chiappelli with two P's!). But they quoted me correctly:

"It's not gay marriage that is causing people to lose their homes."

When you want something done right, hire a professional.

Vote Chiappelli for Delegate.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Groups

Dear Citizens,

Do you have cable tv with hundreds of channels? Probably.

Do you sit down and watch every channel, every day? No.

I'm beginning to feel that way with local non-profits, community groups and local businesses. So many things are going on and there's no way that I can take part in everything.

A short list of groups that have crossed my path which I would like to honor by briefly mentioning them:
Treemendous, MD for planting trees (www.trees.maryland.gov)
Myrl Hartman with Citizenre, a local business who rents solar panels (www.jointhesolution.com/myrl)
Magothy River Association for taking care of our local waterway (www.Magothyriver.org)
Friends of Downs Park for taking care of our local park
All of the neighborhood associations that I've run across for taking care of our neighborhoods. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.
H.O.P.E., a local non-profit that provides much needed items to the needy (www.hopeforall.us)
The local police-community relations councils for getting bad guys off the streets.

There are many strands that go into the fabric of our community. One of the perks of campaigning is the opportunity it has given me to see so many of those strands up close.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Climate Change

I recently finished Tom Friedman's book "Hot, Flat and Crowded" which is about the pressing need for a clean energy revolution.

I also recently read a letter to the editor questioning climate change.

Folks, the science is over a hundred years old. Something like 98% of scientists agree that global climate change is taking place and that humans have caused it. The differences are how fast the changes are going to come and what they are going to look like.

Clean energy and energy efficiency make sense from an economic point of view. For example, my factory and my neighbors factory both make the identical widget and we both get the same amount of money for our widgets. If I can reduce my overhead by reducing my energy costs, suddenly I make a greater profit than my neighbor. Once my renewable energy supply is online, my price for energy is fixed and not dependent on global commodity prices. Oil prices rise and oil prices drop, but the sun is forever.

In other words, you can believe that global warming is a complete myth and it still makes sense to promote clean energy and energy efficiency.

All of my posts up until now have been just words and no pictures. So for a change of pace, please enjoy

...me, wearing a sweater. Enjoy the good weather!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Clean Energy Town Hall

It seems like a lot has happened since my last post. Lot's of meetings, door-knockings, family parties, the Oscars, etc.

One of the meetings which I attended was a Clean Energy Town Hall held at North County High School. It was energizing (pun intended) to be with so many dedicated environmentalists. These were people who knew what the problem was and were working on fixing it.

For instance Dave Wooley-Wilson runs the Green Building Institute in Jessup, Maryland. This institute trains people to conduct energy audits and how to increase household energy efficiency. Energy efficiency may sound boring, but it can eliminate the need for any new power plants.

Several speakers discussed the recent initiatives to increase green power with solar credits, rebates on energy efficient appliances and the ability to choose green power. I have to confess that I just learned about my ability to choose a power provider other than BGE and I'm looking into it. My family has also been able to take advantage of the solar tax credit in 2009 with our new solar water heating system.

The current legislative focus is on passing HB522. Essentially we have different parts of the Maryland government pulling in different directions. One agency is pushing for cheap, reliable power and another agency is pushing for reducing emissions. This bill is an attempt to get all the agencies to push in the same direction.

Protect the future of clean air. Vote Chiappelli.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Right to Bear Arms

I've started knocking on doors and so far the most common issue that people have asked me about is gun control. Or more accurately, that they do not want gun control.

We have the right to bear arms. If you want to own a gun, that's your right.

People seem surprised that a Democrat would be pro-guns. To me it's an issue of freedom. Freedom from government intrusion. Some people want the right to own a gun without the government hassling them, other people want the right to free speech without the government hassling them.

As long as whatever you're doing is not harming the person or property of anyone else, then I don't see how it's the governments business.

Protect the Future, Vote Chiappelli.