BP executives were hauled in front of Congress today. Predictably, the politicians loudly stated their disgust with the whole mess.
The good thing is that we at least know who to blame: BP. And the other good thing is that they have been forced to put $20 Billion dollars into a fund to help the many, many victims of the accident.
And in the midst of the largest environmental disaster in American history, members of the Republican party want to apologize to BP for taking their money!! Are you kidding me?! This is not some kind of tax to go for pork barrel projects in the local Congressional districts. This is compensation for people who are directly victimized!
The Republican congressman apologized for his apology later (or flip-flopped as they say). But the scary thing is that it wasn't an accident, it was a talking point. This is a party that truly believes it is wrong for a big corporation to have to pay the victims of their crimes. This is a party which tried to take a political shot at the President and the Democrats for doing the right thing.
This is why I am a Democrat. If you commit a crime, you need to compensate the victim. I don't care if you are a common street thug or BP. Protect the Future. Vote Chiappelli.
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