Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keep the Government out of the Bedroom

I've had several people ask me what I mean when I say I want to keep the government out of the bedroom. And I mean pretty much what I say. In the not-too distant past, the government determined what contraceptives were available and who could purchase them. The government determined that certain consensual relationships were forbidden.

The government then had the ability to barge into your bedroom and tell you what you could or couldn't do with your spouse. (I'm talking consensual stuff.)

That's the worst kind of government intrusion!

As a society, we've been moving away from that.

But there is a dangerous strain of extremists taking over the Republican party. Those extremists are trying to promote social conservative positions by putting the government back in your bedroom. Their wedge issue is gay marriage. Mayland law states marriage is between a man and a woman. These extremists want to go even further by essentially outlawing gay couples.

Think about that for a minute. They want to give the government the authority to regulate your bedroom. This is what they are spending their time on while the economy crashes down around us.

I don't like that one bit! If anything, we should be pushing the government out the front door of our homes, not inviting them back into our bedrooms.

Protect the future, Vote Chiappelli.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Environment

I like the environment. I'm a big fan. I don't think that there is a serious candidate or politician out there who doesn't at least make pro-environmental noises.

The environment has been a huge issue for me as long as I can remember. Pro-environmental positions come so naturally to me that I don't really think of them as political issues, I think of them as common sense. We all live in the environment. All of our essentials come from the environment: Food, oxygen, water, shelter.

Politicians try to paint the picture of the economy versus the environment. I beleive that is completely wrong. The economy needs a clean environment to thrive and the environment does better when the economy is healthy. The real battle is the economy/environment vs. ignorance and short-sighted thinking. Come to think of it, that is my core platform.

Common sense is not common as I'm sure many of you can attest.

Protect the Future from short-sighted thinking, Vote Chiappelli.

Lower Taxes

On my campaign card, I have a list of issues which I believe are a priority to myself and the good people of the fighting 31st. I recently moved "Lower Taxes" to the top of the list.

I like the things that taxes pay for. I enjoy our public parks, our libraries. I use the roads everyday. I hope I never have to call them, but I'm glad that the police, fire and EMS crews are available. I'm proud of our court system. When I buy a gallon of gas, I know I'm getting a gallon of gas because a government inspector is there to enforce it. I'm not thrilled about getting building permits for remodeling my house, but I'm glad that my neighbors can't build skyscrapers next door. I'm a proud graduate of public schools and the University of Maryland system.

Taxes do two things: they increase the revenue of the government and they destroy. It's a delicate balance between the two. Right now the tax burden is falling increasingly on the middle class and the small businesses and it has crossed the line into destruction. The tax burden is crushing the heart of our community and the primary creator of jobs. That's a problem.

Instead of taxing the middle class and small businesses more, why don't we cut them a break and tax things that we want less of (or that we want more of but that we know are bad for us): pollution, crime, junk food, cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, etc. And the beautiful part is that if you don't want to pay the cigarette tax, you don't have to. Just don't buy cigarettes! It's saved me thousands over the years.

War in Iraq

As you might imagine, people want to know my position on various issues. I'll try to address a few in this blog. Please drop me a line about specific issues you would like me to address.

One person recently asked where I stood on some national issues, which is a pretty big topic. So I figured I'd focus on one national issue: the War in Iraq.

First of all, I have the greatest respect for our uniformed services. These are people who are willing to place their lives on the line in order to protect us. At a minimum, they make huge sacrifices to their families and social lives. Those in power have a sacred duty to not waste that sacrifice.

And that is what upsets me over the War in Iraq. We, the American people, were lied to in order to get us involved in that war. In 2002-2003 when Bush was touting the Weapons of Mass Destruction, I knew we would not find any. Because we had the receipts for all the weapons we had sold to Saddam in the 1980's. He used them on the Kurds. Then we defeated him in the Gulf War and neutered his army. If there was one place on the planet where we could be secure of that there were no weapons of mass destruction, it was Iraq.

I'm not a pacifist. I believe that war is sometimes necessary. But is must be entered into as a last resort and with a clear goal. Frankly I think we invaded the wrong country in 2003. Ask me in person and I'll be happy to share my thoughts on THAT subject.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My heart goes out to the victims of the recent Haiti disaster. You can feel the focus of the world shifting to Haiti and the groundswell of support for relief efforts. That is how it should be.

The secondary tragedy is how swiftly people politicize disaster like Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, and others who haven't made headlines. People lost their lives, their loved ones and most of their material possessions. They face a complete breakdown of the infrastructure which delivers food and water to them. The human response is compassion.

There but for the grace of God go we.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

No pay raises

By now I am probably the last elected official and candidate to publically state that now is not the time to pass or even propose pay raises for members of the General Assembly. And the matter has formally been put to rest. Nonetheless, I would like to go on the record opposing them. (That's real leadership, jumping on an issue that's already resolved!)

The challenge of the 2010 General Assembly session is going to be figuring out how to shrink the budget by approximately $1 billion without losing vital governmental functions and without putting more people out of work. Any legislation that hopes to get passed this year had better not cost anything.

As a family lawyer, I see first-hand the effects that this Recession has had on the hard-working folk of the fighting 31st. It's ugly.

Things will get better. It's a question of making the right choices.

Protect the Future. Vote Chiappelli.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! And belated Happy Holidays!

The campaign website has undergone a significant upgrade courtesy of the tireless efforts of Julie and Spencer. Julie spent her holiday break programming html and getting all of the pieces of the website to work together. I would like to publically say thank you.

Consequently I have not posted an update for several months. On the other hand, the holidays were about family and taking it easy. Not a whole lot to report.

I would like to share two things that made me happy.

One: I received a gadget to recharge Wii controller batteries by induction. It blows my mind. Usually I have some idea of how things work, but this baffles me. Power just magically goes from the pad into the battery. No wires. The future is pretty cool.

Two: While I am outraged by the recent attempted-bombing on Flight 253, I am thrilled by the response of the passengers. They saw that something wasn't right and they acted upon it. And by acted upon it, they physically restrained the bomber, put out the fuse on the bombers body, and then they proceeded to beat up the bomber. Even though the passenger who took the lead was Dutch, it still makes me proud to be an American.

2010 is upon us. The election is a mere eleven months away. The primary is only nine months away! Vote Chiappelli.